Before I start I need to make a public service announcement: I am in no way endorsing prostitution or saying that it’s right or that it should be legalized. I just think we should respect them (Prostitutes) as the people who service the married men of our society.
Firstly, I would like to begin by defining the term prostitute: for the sake of this article, prostitution refers to having sex in exchange for money to be used strictly for survival purposes. Also, for the sake of this article anyone who has sex in exchange for money for any other reason but survival is a regular hoe. But remember not all regular hoes are prostitutes; some people have sex for other, non-monetary, reasons.
Now that we got that out the way, I just felt I should let you ladies in on a little secret: whatever sexual acts you are not willing to perform on your man, for a solid 50 he can find someone else who will. I am not saying it’s right but apparently that’s just how life is. That’s a prostitute’s job. Just as most people wake up in the morning to go to the office or to go to school, a prostitute probably wakes up early too and stretches, practices new moves or something. I am assuming no man calls up a prostitute at 7a.m. If there is any man out there who does then he needs an exorcist. It is almost as bad as a man who eats breakfast at a strip club. Nasty.
Ladies, if you are a side-chick you better believe your “man” respects a prostitute more than he does you. In fact the only difference between you and the prostitute is that you are free and you bring him lunch at work, for free. A friend of mine once said to me, “Why pay for sex when I can just get it for free? In fact she better bring her own goddamn cab money or her ass will be walking home.” Ladies that give it up real easy, use their lady-parts as slot machines, wake up in a different bed 4times a week and then have the nerve to judge prostitutes, remember this; she is doing it to feed her babies, you are doing it cause, well… you’re a hoe!!! Also ladies incase you haven’t noticed, men don’t tend to date girls they consider ‘easy’. Men love sex, a lot. So make him wait, if he is willing to wait then he is worth it if not, you guys were never meant to be. And if you are looking for someone just to have some fun sex with, go right ahead, but just don’t make it a habit. But remember; next time you’re about to talk shit about a prostitute. Think about that hoe friend of yours (we all have one), she is worse.
Ladies, would you rather your man slept with a regular hoe or prostitute? Personally, his ass would be dumped regardless, but if I HAD to choose, I would probably choose the latter. To me if he screwed a regular hoe it means he actually put time and energy into it; they had some sort of relationship. It may not have been much but they probably talked, went for dinner-all that sentimental stuff. Even if they met at a bar, if she is not getting paid for it, there must be some sort of interaction, body language, something to convince her. Unless of course she is a nymphomaniac, but we aren’t talking about those here. Now if it's a prostitute then it was strictly business. No feelings or emotions, no time wasted on sentimental things (she has other customers to attend to). I don’t even know if it qualifies as cheating if your man does a prostitute. Does it? Let me know.
When a man cheats it is usually because there is something lacking in the relationship. If he actually engages in a relationship with another woman, maybe you didn’t pay enough attention, you not pretty anymore, etc. but, there is a lot more to that story than when it is a prostitute. I am in no way saying cheating is right, I believe that if anyone feels that they are not getting what they want from the relationship then it is best they leave to find someone else. There is absolutely no reason to torture yourself with someone that does not make you happy. When it is a prostitute though, the problem is simple; you are not giving him enough sex. Now ladies I am not saying you should have sex with your man whenever he demands it. I am just saying stop lying to your man. Men love some consistency, if you began the relationship having wild sex, doing it all the time type of thing, then as soon as he puts a ring on your finger you buy one of those panties with a lock on them, of course you are going to have a big problem. Ladies take some notes; if your man is used to having sex 5times a week then all of a sudden you do not give him any, he will continue to have sex 5times a week—with or without you. Realistically, the amount of sex a couple has is bound to decrease the older they get, but it should be consensual. It shouldn’t just be one partner who decides to stop having sex. Ladies we have to understand that humans were created to procreate; even though we don't want to have kids anymore our bodies still have the urge to act out those innate desires. This is more so in men than women. As much as women expect men to respect their wishes and understand the trauma their bodies have to go through, I believe that women should also understand a man’s anatomy and how their bodies are built. Just as we want to be treated specially ladies, do the same for your man once in a while. I digress.
Back to the prostitutes, ladies answer me this: Would you suck a dick to save your child’s life? I’m pretty sure the answer is yes. If your child was starving and the only way to feed him was to take it in the ass, I’m pretty sure you would be face down, ass up in a heartbeat. Fortunately, most of us are lucky enough to never have to make decisions like that. I find it sad that we judge people before we fully understand their situation. For the record, I believe that prostitutes have more self-respect than those hoes that sleep with every single Tom, Dick and Thabo for a shot at fame or to get an A in a class or because they have “self-esteem” issues or because they didn’t get enough hugs from daddy (and if you need a hug, find someone to hug, get a dog, hug a tree-it is not an excuse to open your legs. Sheesh!!) Now those are the people I openly judge. I get it; life sucks, but if a female is going to open up her legs every time she is let down then our society is doomed. Yea, fine I guess sex is great and some people just want to have fun but if the list of people you’ve slept with is longer your Facebook friend list you really need to re-think your life. There is nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, but you must remember if you are going to over-do it, you will get judged. People will feel more for the prostitute than your sorry ass.
This is great. Keep it up. Im calling myself a prostitute tonight, forget hoes lol
ReplyDeleteYes! Lets judge them hoes!!
ReplyDeleteLike anyone prostitutes are individuals and judging an entire group is moronic. I know and have been a client of a Prostitute. She gave up a good paying career to do it full time. She simply loves what she does and it appears she's very good at it and very well reviewed (yes, you can read prostitute reviews!).
ReplyDeleteI'd date her and I wouldn't even ask her to give up her day job. We put a big stigma on sex with our poor pseudo christian morality. Feminists hate them because they're empowered and yet remain feminine and objects of desire two things a feminist is against entirely. Some are victims, some are in it for the wrong reasons. All the negative stigmas with it are true to one degree or another. That we'll never be rid of it is another truth. If we can't stop it why not give the girls some recognition, respect and protection? Why not get rid of or help those who ARE in it for the wrong reasons rather than marginalize, ignore or worse abuse them?
Prostitutes contribute to society and in a positive way when allowed. Not everyone can find a regular girl, my friend has a LOT of disabled people as clients people who otherwise would have the door to a sexual identity or a sex life closed in their faces. What do they say when they leave her company? "Never once while with her did I feel ugly..". Until you've been in that place, that place where your own skin makes you feel ugly you can NOT ever understand what a gift that girl gives to people. When you've spent years on the outside looking in while everyone around you couples up and.. couples.. and you're barr'd from that club someone like my friend is the ONLY oasis in a lonely desert of social ostracization. 95% of women despite their claims won't date people like that. Don't listen to the lies spouted by internet opinions, they never have to put their money where their mouth is. TALK to disabled people and you'll find how they're treated, especially by women, to be faaar different than you may think.
It takes more courage to be intimate with a stranger than most internet 'opinionaters' (yes, I made that word up!) could ever muster in a life time. Those who are so repressed they feel that casual sex is disrespecting are simply narrow minded fools. They go on about respecting their bodies yet pump them full of silicone and cover themselves in tatoos like a tramp stamp is a sign of 'respectability'. They dress more like 'hookers' than my Prostitute friend ever has and yet they think they're 'empowered, respectable and in charge or their sexuality'. HA.. Children. The double standards make me sick. My friend makes 3x the money I do, owns her home and will likely retire very comfortable at 50. Something me nor any of my associates will be able to do even with degree's and good normal 'jobs'.
My Prostitute is the most honest and respectable woman I know.