Friday, 24 June 2011


This one is especially for the ladies. I call it “Side Chick”. Firstly, let me define what a side chick is. If he sent you a text on Valentines Day, if you ain’t ever chilled with him in public, if your name is Gabrielle and he has stored you as Gabriel on his phone, if he only hits you up after midnight, if you have been ‘together’ over a year and you have only met his one shady cousin, if the only thing you talk about is sex, if he says you should keep the relationship on the DL, if one or more of those conditions apply to you then you might want to re-think your relationship cause believe or not you are a side chick. Either that or your bf is in the Mafia or running some sort of illegal business and doesn't want you involved. Either way, shit is shady.

         I don’t really blame you women because sometimes the signs are right there in front of you but you are blinded by what you think is love. Other times though, women enter into the relationship fully knowing they are side chick but then they wanna front and act like the main chick. The worst part is those side dishes that think they are going to replace the main course-no honey, aint no man gonna pick a salad over a steak! Even if he is vegetarian!! And he if he says to you, “baby, I just don't know how to break up with her, you have to understand. I love you but I have to stay with her”—RUN. Truth is; if he really wanted to leave her, he would have. He aint EVER gonna leave her, your ass is gonna be waiting forever while you are forfeiting other more deserving guys.

         I don't even blame the guys for this, how can some of you women be sooo stupid though? Really? C’mon son? I mean if you get into a relationship with a man who is already in a another elationship-how the hell are you supposed to trust that he ain’t going to do the same thing to you. Fine, I understand that there is an exception to every rule. But, unfortunately the odds are against you, you probably aint the exception. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck it probably is a duck.

         Remember, a guy is only as faithful as his options. If he didn't have options he really wouldn't be effin around. Then you females call the guy a dog, an asshole-yet you are the ones fuckin him. I don’t get it. You know the guy is married, he laid out his cards on the table and told you what it is-but you still wanna get upset that he ain’t made a commitment to you? Smh!! Women. But yea, I know there are those slick ass guys who will make you believe that you are the only one, I aint talking about them, they are special. They deserve their own blog-I’m talking about the regular nigga who straight up tells you wassup?

         My point in writing this was to let you side chicks know that you should learn to play your part. If you are side chick know your role and stick to it. That way life is soo much easier. Stop trying to be the main chick because you aint gonna get there. You will just end up with a broken heart. The biggest mistake you can ever make is try and challenge the main chick, don't try it-you’ll be publically humiliated. Also, being a side chick is usually frowned upon by society so maybe you might wanna keep it on the DL like the guy suggested. I won’t lie; I will shamelessly judge your ass for knowingly putting yourself in a predicament like that. So ladies either accept being the side chick or know your worth. Accept nothing less than to be a priority and not an option for when the main chick is acting up. 

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