Friday, 24 June 2011


This one is especially for the ladies. I call it “Side Chick”. Firstly, let me define what a side chick is. If he sent you a text on Valentines Day, if you ain’t ever chilled with him in public, if your name is Gabrielle and he has stored you as Gabriel on his phone, if he only hits you up after midnight, if you have been ‘together’ over a year and you have only met his one shady cousin, if the only thing you talk about is sex, if he says you should keep the relationship on the DL, if one or more of those conditions apply to you then you might want to re-think your relationship cause believe or not you are a side chick. Either that or your bf is in the Mafia or running some sort of illegal business and doesn't want you involved. Either way, shit is shady.

         I don’t really blame you women because sometimes the signs are right there in front of you but you are blinded by what you think is love. Other times though, women enter into the relationship fully knowing they are side chick but then they wanna front and act like the main chick. The worst part is those side dishes that think they are going to replace the main course-no honey, aint no man gonna pick a salad over a steak! Even if he is vegetarian!! And he if he says to you, “baby, I just don't know how to break up with her, you have to understand. I love you but I have to stay with her”—RUN. Truth is; if he really wanted to leave her, he would have. He aint EVER gonna leave her, your ass is gonna be waiting forever while you are forfeiting other more deserving guys.

         I don't even blame the guys for this, how can some of you women be sooo stupid though? Really? C’mon son? I mean if you get into a relationship with a man who is already in a another elationship-how the hell are you supposed to trust that he ain’t going to do the same thing to you. Fine, I understand that there is an exception to every rule. But, unfortunately the odds are against you, you probably aint the exception. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck it probably is a duck.

         Remember, a guy is only as faithful as his options. If he didn't have options he really wouldn't be effin around. Then you females call the guy a dog, an asshole-yet you are the ones fuckin him. I don’t get it. You know the guy is married, he laid out his cards on the table and told you what it is-but you still wanna get upset that he ain’t made a commitment to you? Smh!! Women. But yea, I know there are those slick ass guys who will make you believe that you are the only one, I aint talking about them, they are special. They deserve their own blog-I’m talking about the regular nigga who straight up tells you wassup?

         My point in writing this was to let you side chicks know that you should learn to play your part. If you are side chick know your role and stick to it. That way life is soo much easier. Stop trying to be the main chick because you aint gonna get there. You will just end up with a broken heart. The biggest mistake you can ever make is try and challenge the main chick, don't try it-you’ll be publically humiliated. Also, being a side chick is usually frowned upon by society so maybe you might wanna keep it on the DL like the guy suggested. I won’t lie; I will shamelessly judge your ass for knowingly putting yourself in a predicament like that. So ladies either accept being the side chick or know your worth. Accept nothing less than to be a priority and not an option for when the main chick is acting up. 

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Why lie??

I will be the first to admit that women lie, yes yes yes we do! Matter of fact everyone lies, and it seems to be a trend that the more you have to lose the more likely you are to lie. Personally, I try not to lie but, you know, I am only human; sometimes I got to cover my ass. Mostly though when I lie it’s because I am trying to prevent unnecessary drama. But, if I make a promise not to lie to you, I won’t--even at the risk of losing you (ask my last bf).

Anyway, men on the other hand you guys just lie about unnecessary things. The funny thing is you always snitch on yourself because you lie so much you forget about what you lied about. You should remember that usually your girl doesn’t forget all the little things you tell her. You’ll be like, “honey I don’t watch porn, I wouldn't do such a thing…” then 2weeks later you are chilling with her and the boys and ooops it slips out. Most of the time, if it were me, I would just let it go, be like whatever (which is bad I guess since the little lies chip away at the trust). In the end I’ll just not trust you and there goes the relationship.

Another fascinating thing about guys is that they VOLUNTEER lies. You don’t have to put them in a tight situation or accuse them of anything for them to lie. You could just be chilling, minding your own goddamn business and he comes out and says, “Hey baby guess what I am doing…” o__0!!! What is that??? Or you get one of these, “I just made some delicious English breakfast, wish you were here.” Errr… I was just as your house last night there were no eggs in your fridge. Stop lying.

I gotta be real though, I have met some pretty honest guys (or rather, they were THAT good at lying)… but for the most part y’all dudes need to take a lying class. Or rather have a meeting or something and combine knowledge, this is getting ridiculous now. You guys are making us doubt things we shouldn’t be doubting—is your name really Mac or is it some ratched shit like Macaintshit and you just lying?

The worst thing ANY guy can do though, is tell a woman that you love her when you really don't. And women always know when you mean it, it’s just that some would rather live in the illusion of being loved than deal with the reality that, “he is just not that in to you”. I don't even know why you guys say it, I would personally appreciate a guy who just doesn’t say it back than one who does but is just lying. Nothing good ever comes out of that, really. So please take your time, make sure your mean it before you say it—trust me it will be worth it.

Guys can be sooo confusing at times.

I am sick and tired of men always complaining about trying to figure out what their women want when in reality they are more confused than women. Yes, I admit that I shall be a little biased but that is not because I am a woman, it is because I am tired of being asked what I want. Usually, I am a straightforward person I will tell you everything I want. (I say usually 'cause at times it is nice to play some mind-games, but if it’s serious I am straightforward). If I love you, I'll say it. If not... it is what it is…
Now, here comes MY problem with guys--before I continue I would like to state that I am merely generalizing based on my limited experience with the male species, the 10+ guys I have dated can in no way speak for the billions of dudes out there, so if you disagree feel free to leave a comment stating why. 

As I was saying, problem with guys... Yes, my main problem with guys is that they like to keep things all bottled up inside, and then days, weeks, months even, after the fact they bring it up and by that time the other party would have most likely forgotten about it. That is why in law there is a statute of limitations. Hell, if you get raped and you want justice, you can’t wait 10years to report the dude (or girl, it's rough nowadays). The only thing that does not have a statute of limitation in a relationship is cheating. I digress.
Back to the point, how the hell does one efficiently defend him/herself when he/she isn't even sure about the series of events he/she is being accused of. It doesn't make sense to me. And most of my boyfriends have done this. We will be arguing about something he did, I am all heated about to make an excellent point and he goes, "well 4months ago at the club I saw you checking that dude out, so you can't come at me for getting that girl's number." WHOOOA!!! What club? What dude?? Huh?? The crazy part is it always catches me off guard. I’ll be dumbfounded. I can’t even deny the accusation. And guys you always say/do the craziest things ever! How does me looking at a guy enumerate you getting her number? I don't get it. Y'all are ridiculous.
Anyway, back to my point when your girl tells you she loves you, you know your girl loves you. All you have to do is keep doing what you used to do when she fell in love with you and all is good. The problem comes in when that person she fell in love with isn't really who you are, and as time passes you can't keep up the pretense no more--you start to show your true colors. No more dates to the movies, no more random flowers. Of course the girl is going to complain! Damn, I didn't fall in love with your leaving-the-toiletseat-up, dirty-socks-on-the-floor, farting-at-night ass!!!! I fell in love with the flowers-just-because-it's-Tuesday dude. So guys, before you start talking smack about your girl complaining all the time, maybe you need to take some time off and realize that Y'ALL NEED TO STOP PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE YOU AINT JUST TO GET THE GIRL.  Stop lying to us. Simple. 

Monday, 20 June 2011

A lil intro... (20/06/2011)

Apparently, says the doc, I am stressed. Yea. Apparently, I have soooooo much stress that my body has started to act out. Yup, just the other week I had to be rushed to the ER 'cause I had severe abdominal pains. Firstly, all those who really know me know that I don't mess with hospitals and needles and people dressed in all white. So you know I REALLY was in pain. Anyway, I digress, point is doc says I am stressed so I decided to start up this blog to talk about anything and everything that has been bothering me. I hope you enjoy it and please do comment.