Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Guys can be sooo confusing at times.

I am sick and tired of men always complaining about trying to figure out what their women want when in reality they are more confused than women. Yes, I admit that I shall be a little biased but that is not because I am a woman, it is because I am tired of being asked what I want. Usually, I am a straightforward person I will tell you everything I want. (I say usually 'cause at times it is nice to play some mind-games, but if it’s serious I am straightforward). If I love you, I'll say it. If not... it is what it is…
Now, here comes MY problem with guys--before I continue I would like to state that I am merely generalizing based on my limited experience with the male species, the 10+ guys I have dated can in no way speak for the billions of dudes out there, so if you disagree feel free to leave a comment stating why. 

As I was saying, problem with guys... Yes, my main problem with guys is that they like to keep things all bottled up inside, and then days, weeks, months even, after the fact they bring it up and by that time the other party would have most likely forgotten about it. That is why in law there is a statute of limitations. Hell, if you get raped and you want justice, you can’t wait 10years to report the dude (or girl, it's rough nowadays). The only thing that does not have a statute of limitation in a relationship is cheating. I digress.
Back to the point, how the hell does one efficiently defend him/herself when he/she isn't even sure about the series of events he/she is being accused of. It doesn't make sense to me. And most of my boyfriends have done this. We will be arguing about something he did, I am all heated about to make an excellent point and he goes, "well 4months ago at the club I saw you checking that dude out, so you can't come at me for getting that girl's number." WHOOOA!!! What club? What dude?? Huh?? The crazy part is it always catches me off guard. I’ll be dumbfounded. I can’t even deny the accusation. And guys you always say/do the craziest things ever! How does me looking at a guy enumerate you getting her number? I don't get it. Y'all are ridiculous.
Anyway, back to my point when your girl tells you she loves you, you know your girl loves you. All you have to do is keep doing what you used to do when she fell in love with you and all is good. The problem comes in when that person she fell in love with isn't really who you are, and as time passes you can't keep up the pretense no more--you start to show your true colors. No more dates to the movies, no more random flowers. Of course the girl is going to complain! Damn, I didn't fall in love with your leaving-the-toiletseat-up, dirty-socks-on-the-floor, farting-at-night ass!!!! I fell in love with the flowers-just-because-it's-Tuesday dude. So guys, before you start talking smack about your girl complaining all the time, maybe you need to take some time off and realize that Y'ALL NEED TO STOP PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE YOU AINT JUST TO GET THE GIRL.  Stop lying to us. Simple. 

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