I will be the first to admit that women lie, yes yes yes we do! Matter of fact everyone lies, and it seems to be a trend that the more you have to lose the more likely you are to lie. Personally, I try not to lie but, you know, I am only human; sometimes I got to cover my ass. Mostly though when I lie it’s because I am trying to prevent unnecessary drama. But, if I make a promise not to lie to you, I won’t--even at the risk of losing you (ask my last bf).
Anyway, men on the other hand you guys just lie about unnecessary things. The funny thing is you always snitch on yourself because you lie so much you forget about what you lied about. You should remember that usually your girl doesn’t forget all the little things you tell her. You’ll be like, “honey I don’t watch porn, I wouldn't do such a thing…” then 2weeks later you are chilling with her and the boys and ooops it slips out. Most of the time, if it were me, I would just let it go, be like whatever (which is bad I guess since the little lies chip away at the trust). In the end I’ll just not trust you and there goes the relationship.
Another fascinating thing about guys is that they VOLUNTEER lies. You don’t have to put them in a tight situation or accuse them of anything for them to lie. You could just be chilling, minding your own goddamn business and he comes out and says, “Hey baby guess what I am doing…” o__0!!! What is that??? Or you get one of these, “I just made some delicious English breakfast, wish you were here.” Errr… I was just as your house last night there were no eggs in your fridge. Stop lying.
I gotta be real though, I have met some pretty honest guys (or rather, they were THAT good at lying)… but for the most part y’all dudes need to take a lying class. Or rather have a meeting or something and combine knowledge, this is getting ridiculous now. You guys are making us doubt things we shouldn’t be doubting—is your name really Mac or is it some ratched shit like Macaintshit and you just lying?
The worst thing ANY guy can do though, is tell a woman that you love her when you really don't. And women always know when you mean it, it’s just that some would rather live in the illusion of being loved than deal with the reality that, “he is just not that in to you”. I don't even know why you guys say it, I would personally appreciate a guy who just doesn’t say it back than one who does but is just lying. Nothing good ever comes out of that, really. So please take your time, make sure your mean it before you say it—trust me it will be worth it.
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